Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Comic Con Day Two

New Website Layout: I put some minor changes on the website and added a photos section. More stuff on the site coming soon...

Day two of Comic Con was no less insane for me than day one, but it was certainly much more crowded. I did manage to squeeze in some more interviews with these guys:

Derek Welch (UNKL)

Thomas Han

Huck Gee

Luke Chueh

I feel really great having gone to San Diego Comic Con and finally met the artist whose work I have been admiring for some time. They were all awesome to interview and each provided a different perspective on vinyl toys and the scene in general. I'm really stoked to see how the footage came out and start editing comic con stuff.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Daniel,

I'm sure that I am not the only one who is counting the days until we can view Vinyl Frontiers! Looks like you got some great interviews at SDCC, and the trailer looks ggod ... I was momentarily excited, thinking that the new photos you put up yesterday linked to some video clip samples ... but alas and alack, only the hi-res stills. I'll be waiting and watching eagerly for the film's release - and, I hope you get/got the chance to interview Mori of RealXHead for the film - I'm intensely curious to hear his 'angle' on all of this fun/art/business.

Keep at it, get this puppy edited, we are ready to see!
