Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Comic Con Day Two

New Website Layout: I put some minor changes on the website and added a photos section. More stuff on the site coming soon...

Day two of Comic Con was no less insane for me than day one, but it was certainly much more crowded. I did manage to squeeze in some more interviews with these guys:

Derek Welch (UNKL)

Thomas Han

Huck Gee

Luke Chueh

I feel really great having gone to San Diego Comic Con and finally met the artist whose work I have been admiring for some time. They were all awesome to interview and each provided a different perspective on vinyl toys and the scene in general. I'm really stoked to see how the footage came out and start editing comic con stuff.


Monday, July 30, 2007

SDCC Day One

I'm a little behind on the entries but i'd to keep everyone up to speed with what ive been doing. Here's a look some peoples i got to speak to on Friday at SD Comic Con for the documentary:

Jermaine Rogers

Bwana Spoons

Jim Crawford (StrangeCo)

El Maz

Stay tuned tomorrow as I post more photos from San Diego Comic Con and if you're nice i just might throw down some videos from my interviews thus far...

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Countdown to the con

Twas the night before comic con and none were prepared in the house not even that mouse. Ok sorry for the lame ass rhyme. I just posted the trailer for the film on youtube (check below). I arrive at 1030 am in SD and ill be around for just a few days so i better make this visit count. I also made out some postcards to pass out which should be fun. well sunny weather awaits. Now back to work i go!
